You can obtain access to the price lists by registering as a customer. Both end user and reseller price lists are available on this page and will be displayed according to the type of customer.
Registering as an end user will enable access to end user price lists. To register as an end user simply submit your email address. You will be contacted by a treadsafe representative and sent a password to access the end user pricelists on this page. If you would like to receive notification of pricelist updates and pricelist page access password updates to enable you future access to the page after a change in password, passwords are changed from time to time, then please tick the "SEND UPDATES" checkbox. This will also enable you to receive notification regarding any promotional offers.
Registering as a reseller requires the submission of additional information via the reseller registration form. Upon submission your supplied information will be reviewed and you will be contacted by a Treadsafe representative and notified regarding your acceptance as a reseller or not. If you qualify as a reseller you will recieve the reseller access password to enable you to access reseller pricelists on this page, you will also be added to the reseller database and will receive notification regarding pricelist updates and password updates as well as any promotional offers.
If you are already registered as a customer then please enter the access password into the password field below to login.